If it’s your first time in Flowla, you might wonder “Ok, so where do I start?”. We’re here to answer that and all other questions in our Flowla Academy.
To begin with, let’s create your first flow.
After logging in, you’ll land in your dashboard. This is where your journey begins.
Click on Create a flow.
Hint: for now, you can only see Flowla’s templates. You can personalize one of ours, add your own content and actions, and save it as your first template!
Next, let’s add a target company. If you want to leave it blank for now, skip to the next stage.
Simply add the company‘s website link. Flowla will work its magic🪄 and pull the brand logo.
You will likely see multiple logo suggestions. Feel free to choose the one you like best. Don’t worry, you can always change it later.
Also, if you’re not happy with the default brand colour, click on Change to select another one.
Once you’ve picked the logo and brand colours, click on Create to create the company. Moving forward, you won’t have to worry about adding this target company again.
You’re almost there! As a last step, give your flow a title to make it easy to identify.
For example, if you’ve added a target company already, your title could be:
[Your Company] 🤝 [Target Company]
Next, click on Create Flow and that’s it!
Congratulations, your first flow is ready for your personal touch. 🎉